Your Legacy, Your Terms.

Create Your Will in Minutes, Not Months.

There's never been an easier, more affordable way to protect your family, home, and assets. Explore our digital Will packages that cover everything from your digital assets to your healthcare wishes.




  • 100% SECURE

The High Cost of Leaving Your Legacy to Chance

Planning for the inevitable isn't exactly a dinner party conversation.

It's complex, confusing, and often feels like a burden to put on your loved ones.

But have you ever stopped to think about the REAL cost of not having a Will?

We're not just talking about the financial burden of probate court and legal fees…

We're talking about the emotional toll on your family:

- The stress and uncertainty
- The potential for conflict as they try to navigate your affairs without a clear roadmap

Traditional Wills, drafted by lawyers, can easily cost thousands of dollars.

And even then, they often overlook your digital assets – online accounts, social media profiles, cryptocurrency – leaving a crucial part of your legacy unprotected.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

We've simplified estate planning by offering an affordable, legally binding solution to protect your loved ones and ensure your wishes are honored.

- No more endless paperwork
- No more confusing legal jargon
- No more hefty lawyer fees

Just peace of mind, knowing you've taken control of your legacy.

Your Comprehensive Estate Planning Toolkit

Our digital Wills are dynamic, editable, and designed for the modern world.

  • Last Will


    Protect your family and ensure your physical assets are distributed according to your wishes. This Will prevent disputes and provide peace of mind.

    Learn more 
  • Digital Will


    Safeguard your online accounts, digital media, and cryptocurrency, ensuring your digital legacy is honored.

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  • Living Will


    Clearly outline your healthcare preferences, easing the burden on your loved ones during difficult times.

    Learn more 
  • All 3 Wills


    (SAVE $100)
    Bundle Package

    The ultimate estate planning solution, covering all aspects of your life, both physical and digital.

    Learn more 

Free Bonuses

All our packages include easy-to-understand Will and Estate Planning Guides, plus informative eBooks on legal topics like Power of Attorney, Probate, Letters of Administration and Executor.

How Our Wills Have Made a Difference

Katie M.

"We are all accustomed to the necessity of final wills and living testaments, but the idea of a “digital will” is not quite so familiar. We may not realize we have important digital information and online assets in the form of social media accounts, photos in the cloud, web membership sites, writings and files on our computers. For anyone living in the digital age, a digital will is essential to ensure that our online assets are properly dealt with by our loved ones and beneficiaries."

Matthew Elder

“Everyone knows that having a will is essential, particularly when you have accumulated assets that would need to be transferred to rightful heirs after death. In today’s digital age, however, your assets also include the virtual – everything in cyberspace that can be considered your personal property, such as online accounts with financial institutions, governments, telecommunications services, travel booking tools. This cyber list also includes social-media accounts. The list may be very long."

Smart Estate Planning

We Make Wills Simple (And Profitable)

Our unique affiliate program offers you the chance to secure your future while potentially creating a new income stream

Here's how it works:

Option 1
Traditional Purchase

Buy our Will packages at full price, simple and straightforward.

Option 2
Join Our Affiliate Program

Get an instant price reduction equal to the commission we'd typically pay an affiliate. Use code Affiliate35 at checkout to claim your commission upfront.

Why Join Our Affiliate Program?

No Sales Pressure
If you sign up, you are under no obligation to sell anything. Share your referral link only if and when you feel comfortable.

Earn Passive Income
If your friends, family, or the public decide to purchase our Wills, you earn a commission. It's a simple way to put some cash in your pocket while helping others

Your Legacy Starts Now. 

Peace of Mind is One Click Away.

Isn't it time you took charge of your legacy?

Don't wait for tomorrow.

Whether you buy our comprehensive, easy-to-use Will packages outright or become an affiliate - you are protecting what matters most.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do You Have Such a Strong Affiliate Program?

We encourage all our affiliates to own at least one of our Wills or Estate Planning documents. By doing so, you demonstrate to your clients that you truly believe in the products you are recommending. This not only showcases your confidence in our offerings but also strengthens your credibility and trustworthiness with your clients. By using our products yourself, you can speak from experience and provide genuine endorsements, which can significantly enhance your sales efforts.

Are your Will packages valid in all 50 states?

Yes, our Will and Estate packages are designed to be valid and legally binding across all 50 states. We ensure that each document complies with the specific legal requirements and regulations unique to each state, providing you with peace of mind in the U.S.

Are there any system requirements for using our Will packages?

No, there are no software installations, login or passwords required. Simply download the PDFs to your device and open them with any standard PDF viewer to get started.

Can I download a Will for my spouse?

Yes, we permit the download of another copy of the Will for your spouse at no extra charge. Unlike other services that may charge extra for additional copies, we provide this benefit to ensure that both you and your spouse are fully protected.

Is there a refund policy for the Will package?

Yes, we offer a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our Will package. This allows you to purchase with confidence, knowing you can opt out if it doesn’t meet your expectations.

Will my information remain private when I use your documents?

At no stage do we ever have access to any of your information. Your information remains completely private.