15 Step Checklist: What To Do After Someone Dies?

15 Step Checklist: What To Do After Someone Dies?

When a loved one dies, it can be difficult to know what to do next. You
may feel isolated, confused and overwhelmed. It is important to remember
that you are not alone in your grief and there are people who can help
you through this tough time.

Video: 15 Step Checklist: What To Do After Someone Dies

This checklist will help you take care of the practical details so that
you can focus on grieving and remembrance.

  1. First, call the person's doctor to confirm the death and obtain a death certificate.

  2. If the person died at home, contact a funeral home to make arrangements for transportation of the body.

  3. If the person died in a hospital or nursing home, they will usually make arrangements for transportation of the body.

  4. Notify close family members and friends of the death.

  5. Make arrangements for any pets that were left behind.

  6. Contact the person's employer to let them know about the death.

  7. Handle any unfinished business, such as unpaid bills or unfinished projects.

  8. Begin making funeral arrangements, if desired.

  9. Start gathering photos and other mementos for a memorial service.

  10. Write an obituary, if desired.

  11. Notify the person's insurance company of the death.

  12. Cancel any subscriptions or memberships the person had.

  13. Change the locks on the person's home, if needed.

  14. Close any joint accounts or credit cards that the person had.

  15. Update your will and other legal documents to reflect the death.

Remember that grief is a process that takes time. There is no right or
wrong way to grieve, so allow yourself to go at your own pace. Don’t be
afraid to seek professional help if your grief is proving to be too much
to handle on your own.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but by giving yourself time you can
start to heal and move forward with your life.

If you have recently lost someone, leave a comment below and let us know how you are doing.

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