When a person dies, their Will becomes a public record. This means that anyone can request a copy of the Will from the court that probated it.
There are a few ways to go about getting a copy of a deceased person's Will.
The first is to contact the courthouse where the Will was filed and request a copy from them. The second is to contact the executor of the estate and request a copy from them. And the third is to contact an attorney who worked on the estate.
Video: How To Obtain A Copy Of A Deceased Person's Will?
1. If you are requesting a copy of the Will from the courthouse, you will need to provide them with the full name of the decedent, the date of death, and the case number (if available). The courthouse will then search their records and, if they have a copy of the Will on file, they will provide you with a copy.
2. If you are requesting a copy of the Will from the executor of the estate, you will need to provide them with the full name of the decedent and the date of death. The executor will then be able to locate the original copy of the Will and provide you with a copy.
3. If you are requesting a copy of the Will from an attorney who worked on the estate, you will need to provide them with the full name of the decedent, the date of death, and the case number (if available). The attorney will then be able to locate the original copy of the Will and provide you with a copy.
Anyone Can Request A Copy Of A Deceased Person's Will
It is important to note that, while anyone can request a copy of a deceased person's Will, not everyone will be able to obtain one. For example, if the Will is being contested in court, the court may seal the Will until the case has been resolved.
Additionally, if the executor of the estate refuses to provide a copy of the Will, there may be nothing you can do to obtain one.