In general, parents should strive to be fair when distributing an inheritance. The idea of “equal” can mean many things—equal amounts of money, equal amounts of assets like land or property, or even equal access to opportunities. Each family should decide what “equal” means for them and how they want to divide up their estate. It's important that parents talk about their child's inheritance.
If some children need more financial assistance than others, parents may want to consider making unequal inheritances. For example, if a child has struggled with a long-term illness or has special needs, it may make sense to give them more than the other children. Likewise, if a child is taking care of elderly parents or helping to raise siblings, they may deserve a larger share of the inheritance.
Ultimately, parents should discuss their wishes with all of their children before making decisions about their inheritance. This can help ensure that everybody is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings or hurt feelings later on down the road. It also gives parents a chance to explain their reasoning so everyone understands why they chose to distribute things as they did.
Here are some reasons why some parents may choose to give an equal inheritance:
- They believe that all of their children should be treated equally and fairly.
- It is a way for them to show their love and appreciation for all of their children, regardless of any differences or disagreements.
- It sets up a sense of fairness among siblings and prevents any potential animosity in the future.
- It is a way to ensure that all of their children have the same opportunities and resources available to them.
Here are some reasons why some parents may choose to give an unequal inheritance:
- They want to provide for a child’s specific needs, such as medical care or education.
- They want to make sure that all of their children have the same chance at financial success.
- They recognize that some children may need more help than others due to unforeseen circumstances or special needs.
- They want to make sure that each child is able to pursue their own dreams and have the resources available to do so.
Make an effort to be fair
At the end of the day, what matters most is that parents make an effort to be fair and treat their children equally. This is the best way to ensure that everyone feels respected, supported, and taken care of. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to deciding how to divvy up an inheritance; what matters most is that parents do their best to make sure all of their children feel loved and supported.