Share Your Last Will Story

Share Your Will Story: Help Others & Get a Free Will!

Last Will

Hey there!

We’re running a family project called "Share Your Will Story" and we want you to be a part of it. Ever thought about how a Last Will can change things for a family? Like, maybe someone’s Last Will made a big difference in your life, or maybe not having one caused some issues.

That’s exactly the kind of stuff we want to hear about.

When you share your experience, you’re helping others see what could happen, good or bad. And to say thanks, we’re giving away a FREE Last Will valued at $100 to anyone who shares a story that really hits home.

We’re all ears! Your story could really help someone else out and you get something cool in return. Sounds like a win-win, right?


  1. A valid submission must be a genuine recounting of your personal experiences related to the impact of a Last Will.

  2. We seek stories rooted in real-life events, reflecting honest and sincere reflections on how a Last Will—or the absence of one—has influenced your family dynamics or personal circumstances.

  3. Fabricated stories, fictional accounts or submissions lacking a basis in authentic experiences will not be considered.

  4. Your authentic story is crucial in helping others understand the profound implications of estate planning and the role of a Last Will.

Review Process

All submissions will go through a careful review process. Only stories that meet our criteria and are accepted for publication will qualify for the free Last Will offer. 


By submitting your story, you grant us the right to use, adapt and publish it on our various platforms at our discretion. We value authentic experiences and reserve the right to select stories that align with our community's interests for publication. Your contribution is significant and we thank you for sharing your genuine narrative.